Privacy and Legal Notice

Privacy and Legal Notice
Thank you for visiting the Alexandra online shop.
This website available on www. ("The Site") is published by Alexandra, a registered trademark of ALEXANDRA SRL SOCIETA 'UNIPERSONALE ("Alexandra"), an Italian company registered in the Rome Trade and Companies Register. Via Flaminia Vecchia 655 / a, 00191 Rome, VAT number 08375661009
1. Access to and use of its content are subject to the following terms and conditions of ownership and copyrights ("Terms"). The act of access and navigation on this site by the user implies full and unreserved acceptance of the following clause.
2. The information, the photographic material, the products and in general all the material contained on the Site ("Materials") are considered to be the exclusive property of Alexandra and are exclusively for private, personal and non-commercial use. In any case, each copy or partial copy of each material must contain information on the exclusive property of Alexandra like any other information on the property contained in the material itself.
3. The "Alexandra" trademarks and logos, logos and all other graphic and / or figurative trademarks contained and displayed on the Site in any way and in compliance with any use, whether registered or not, are and will remain the exclusive property of Alexandra and reproduction, distribution, publication, transmission, total or partial modification and sale, even for personal and non-commercial or professional use, is expressly prohibited for any reason or purpose.
4. It is expressly forbidden to record, archive, multiply copies, reproduce, further publish, exhibit, perform, transmit, distribute, transfer, translate, transpose, modify or sell the material, even partially (be it images, photographs, texts, videos, brands and in general the elements and materials, and any creative expression available on this site) in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, computerized, photocopying, printing, microfilm, magnetic recordings on any medium, including CD-ROM or other) without prior written authorization from Christian Villa. The Materials are the exclusive property, or otherwise in legitimate possession and the use of Alexandra, which assumes no responsibility and does not issue any guarantee, for any reason, for the use by the User of any material to be understood, however illegitimate.
5. Alexandra, within the limits of the mandatory laws, does not represent or guarantee that the information contained on this site is technically inaccurate or contains typographical errors.
6. Materials are subject to change or update without notice. Alexandra also reserves the exclusive right to make changes and / or improvements to images, products, texts, software applications on the Site despite the precautions taken, without notice at any time. These applications and software programs may malfunction and may contain viruses or other harmful components. Alexandra is not responsible in this regard under the mandatory law.
7. The user is responsible for any losses, costs and damages, direct or indirect of any type and entity that may derive from the use of the site.
8. This site may contain links to other websites. Alexandra is not responsible for the availability of, or any content or material contained in or obtained through such sites. It cannot be held responsible in any way for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages connected with the use of this website or other linked websites.
9. All images, photographs, texts, videos, brands and in general the elements and materials, and any creative expression sent to the Site and / or Alexandra, with the sole exception of personal data (name, surname and e-mail address) as indicated below, they will be treated as non-confidential and assigned irrevocably and freely, with their presentation or mailing, to Alexandra. By subscribing or sending a message, the User accepts that Alexandra has the right (but not the obligation) to copy, register, archive, multiply the copies, transfer, translate, transpose, modify, sell, publish, distribute or use such material or mailing for any purpose, without compensation to you or any other person, unless expressly imposed by law.
10. The User is and will remain solely responsible for any sending of images, photographs, texts, videos, brands, elements, materials and any creative expression to the Site.
11. For matters not regulated by these terms and conditions, it refers only to Italian law. Any person who is not an entity in these conditions must not imply the non-entity or nullity of any other person, who must therefore continue to be fully effective.
12. In the event of a dispute concerning the Privacy and Legal Notice, or any Order, this dispute will be subject to Italian arbitration.
Alexandra brand ALEXANDRA SRL SOCIETA 'UNIPERSONALE, the person in charge of data processing ("Company") below provides, with reference to article 13 of the legislative decree n.196 / 2003 (Code regarding the protection of personal data), the recommendation n. 2/2001 of the working group established by article 29 of directive 95/46 / CE and legislative decree n. 679/2016, some information relating to the processing of your personal data during your visit to the site.
The Data and Data Processor (DPO) is Alexandra, the data are stored in the ALEXANDRA SRL SOCIETA 'UNIPERSONALES.r.l. with registered office in Via Flaminia Vecchia 655 / a, 00191 Rome, VAT number 08375661009
Collection and processing of personal data
Navigation data
The computer systems and software procedures used for the functioning of this website acquire personal data as part of their standard functioning; the transmission of such data is an intrinsic feature of Internet communication protocols.
This information is not collected in order to relate it to identified subjects, however they could allow the identification of the user as such after being processed and combined with data held by third parties.
This category of data includes IP addresses and / or domain names of the computers used by any user who connects to this website, the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) addresses of the requested resources, the time of these requests, the method used to send a given request to the server, size of the returned file, a numerical code relating to the response status of the server (successfully executed, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the user's operating system and the IT environment.
These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check its operation; they are deleted immediately after being processed. The data could be used to establish responsibility in case of computer crimes committed against the website.
Data provided voluntarily
Some pages of the website will ask you to provide personal information. In this case, you will be provided with information in accordance with article 13 of the legislative decree n.196 / 2003 and the legislative decree n. 679/2016 on the processing of personal data in relation to any intended purpose.
Providing data
Except for the foregoing, with regard to browsing data, the provision of data for other purposes is optional. If such data is not provided, it may be impossible to pursue these additional purposes.
Purpose of the treatment and sphere of communication
Alexandra will process your personal data for the technical administration of the website and for other purposes.
Your data will be processed by Alexandra employees and collaborators appointed as data processors and processors.
Your personal information may be processed by trusted companies that perform technical and organizational tasks on our behalf. These companies are our direct partner companies who have the role of data processors.
In particular, as regards the processing of data carried out through the website, Alexandra has appointed the company that performs the technical management and maintenance of the website as the controller.
Their list is constantly updated and available on request by contacting the address below or by sending an e-mail to
If you decide to share the contents of this website with social networks, your data will be viewed by other Facebook and / or Twitter users and will be transferred outside the European Union, to the United States of America.
Other information regarding the sphere of communication and dissemination of your personal data will be provided to you in specific areas of the site.
Processing methods
Your personal data will be processed using IT tools for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which these data were collected.
Specific security measures are applied to prevent data loss, illegal or improper use and unauthorized access.
Your rights
It is possible at any time to obtain free cancellation, conversion into anonymous form, copying, updating, adaptation or integration, blocking of data processed in violation of the law as required by article 7 of legislative decree n 196/2003 and by the legislative decree n. 679/2016, which is shown in full below.
In the event of a request for deletion of data, the interested party has the right to be forgotten.
You have the right at any time to object to any processing of your personal data carried out for commercial and marketing purposes in general and, for legitimate reasons, to oppose the processing of your data for other purposes.
To exercise your rights, you can contact the address below or send an e-mail to
Owner and data manager
The Data and Data Processor (DPO) is Alexandra, the data are stored in the ALEXANDRA SRL SOCIETA 'UNIPERSONALE
Our general approach is aimed at keeping the customer's personal data only up to the moment it is required for the pursuit of the purposes for which it was collected. Generally customer personal data is stored for five years from the end of our relationship or from the last contact with the customer, unless local laws provide otherwise. In some cases, however, we may retain personal data for longer periods of time, for example where requested by us in accordance with legal, tax or accounting requirements.
In specific cases, we may also store the customer's personal data for longer periods of time that correspond to the applicable limits established by law so as to have accurate documentation of the customer's negotiations with us in the event of complaints or disputes.
Legislative Decree n. 679/2016 (Right of access to personal data and other rights)
The interested party has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him, regardless of their registration, and the communication of such data in an intelligible form.
The interested party has the right to be informed:
a) the origin of personal data;
b) the purposes and methods of treatment;
c) the logic applied to the treatment, if the latter is carried out with the aid of electronic instruments;
d) the identity of the owner, manager and the representative appointed pursuant to article 5, paragraph 2;
e) of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated and of those or of whom they may have come to know as appointed representative in the territory of the State, managers or agents of the data processing (s) responsible for the treatment.
The interested party has the right to obtain, completely free of charge
a) updating, correction or, if necessary, integration of data; in case of request for deletion of data, the interested party has the right to be forgotten
b) the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including data which need not be kept for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;
c) certification that the operations referred to in letters a) and b) have been notified, also in relation to their content, to the entities to which or to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, unless this requirement proves impossible or implies an effort manifestly disproportionate to the law that must be protected.
The interested party has the right to object, in whole or in part,
a) for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning him, even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection;
b) to the processing of personal data concerning him for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct selling or for carrying out market research or commercial communication.
Online store privacy
This online shop ("Shop") is managed by Alexandra, a trademark of ALEXANDRA SRL SOCIETA 'UNIPERSONALE ("Alexandra"). This privacy statement only covers the information collected in this shop and does not cover the information collected offline by Alexandra ,, unless expressly stated herein. This privacy statement is published to inform you about the type of information we collect, how it is managed, with whom it can be shared, what choices you have regarding our use of your data and how you can access some of the data you provide to us. . This privacy statement can be updated and changed at any time without notice. You are encouraged to refer to this policy on an ongoing basis so that we understand our current privacy policy. By accessing and using this Store, you accept the policies indicated below
You may be asked to provide personally identifiable information at various times and places in this Shop. In some cases, if you choose not to provide us with the requested information, it may not be possible to access all this Shop or participate in all its features. We receive and store all the personally identifiable information that you enter in the Shop, which we receive every time you purchase with the ALEXANDRA SRL UNIPERSONALE COMPANY, online, or that you provide us in any other way, such as e-mail, telephone or text. As an example, we may collect the following personally identifiable information: name, address, telephone number, mobile number, driving license number, date of birth and e-mail address. If you use a credit card, we will also include your account number. From time to time in connection with surveys, sweepstakes or promotions, we may ask for additional information such as designer or product preferences, interests and ages.
How ALEXANDRA SRL uses the information collected
The personal data collected are used for the following purposes:
a) to satisfy your requests for services
b) to complete your purchase orders
c) to provide, maintain and improve our customer service
d) to fulfill any legal obligation such as those relating to accounting, taxes or otherwise required by the court
e) offer products, newsletters, catalogs and brochures or invitations to events that may interest you on behalf of Alexandra
f) to keep you informed of the status of your orders
g) identify your product and service preferences, in order to notify the user of new or additional products, services or promotions that may interest you on behalf of Christian Villa
Others with whom ALEXANDRA Shares your information
The processing of your personal data is performed by Alexandra's internal staff and can be shared among all Alexandra entities. Sometimes, the data collected can be provided to a third party who assists us with the products and services we offer. For example, we can work with an external company to (i) manage customer information databases, (ii) assist in the distribution of e-mails, (iii) assist in data collection (iv) provide storage and analysis, (v ) provide fraud prevention, and (vi) other third party service providers that maximize our business. These third parties are required to keep all information we share with them confidential and to use the information provided only to fulfill their obligations under the agreements made with us. At any time you can request, completely free of charge, the cancellation or modification of your data also from the database of third-party customers.
We may transfer or share a copy of personal information about you in the event that Alexandra or any of its properties, affiliates or subsidiaries go through a business transition, such as a merger, acquired by another company, or by selling part of its assets. . You will receive an email notification or important notice on our shop website before a change of ownership or control of your personal information, if your personal information is used in a manner contrary to this policy. However, nothing in this privacy policy is intended to interfere with Alexandra's ability to transfer all or part of its business or activity to an independent affiliate or third party at any time, for any purpose, without limitation. Alexandra expressly reserves the right to transfer or share a copy of the identifiable personal information collected by her Store to the purchaser of that part of her business relating to that information.
We may provide access to information when legally required, cooperate with police investigations or other legal proceedings, to protect against misuse or unauthorized use of our Store, to limit our legal liability and protect our rights or to protect rights, property. or the safety of visitors to this Store or the public.
We intend to protect against the loss, misuse or alteration of the information we have collected from you or received from a partner. We undertake to take all reasonable measures to ensure the adequate security and confidentiality of the personal data processed to prevent unauthorized access or use of the data and equipment used for processing.
Privacy of minors
Protecting children's privacy is important to Alexandra. Our site is a site open to the public. We do not collect or store information from people we know are under the age of 16 and no part of our site is intended to attract anyone under the age of 16. In addition, we do not send e-mail correspondence to anyone who tells us they are under 16 without parental consent. We invite parents and guardians to participate in their children's online activities and to use parental control or other web filtering technology to supervise children's access to the Internet.
Extended declaration on the use of cookies
Pursuant to article 13 of legislative decree no. 196/2003 (Code regarding the protection of personal data) and to the provision issued by the Authority for the protection of personal data Legislative Decree n. 679/2016, Alexandra, as a trademark of the company ALEXANDRA SRL SOCIETA 'UNIPERSONALESrl. (Alexandra) hereby provides the following information on the use of cookies on its website
What are cookies?
A cookie is a short text string that is sent to the browser and possibly saved to a computer, smartphone or any other device used to access the Internet, whenever a website is visited. We use cookies for different purposes , in order to offer a fast and secure digital experience, for example, allowing you to maintain an active connection to the private area while browsing through the pages of the site; to store credentials in a secure mode; and to identify the pages of the site that have already been visited, in order to prevent them from being proposed again.
Cookies stored on the computer cannot be used to recover other data from the hard disk; o to transmit computer viruses; or to identify and use the owner's email address. Each cookie is unique to the browser and device used to access Alexandra's website.
The cookies used by Alexandra and their purpose
Technical cookies
Navigation cookies
These cookies are necessary to navigate the Christian Villa website; enable functions such as authentication; validation; management of a browsing session; and fraud prevention. They are cookies that:
Allow to verify that the access to the reserved area has taken place correctly;
Allow you to easily navigate through the pages of the site.
Your prior consent is not necessary for the use of these cookies.
Functionality cookies
These cookies provide additional functions and allow us to keep track of the visitor's choices, such as the selection of the language. They are cookies that:
Allow you to remember the preferences and credentials used.
Analytical cookies
These third-party cookies allow you to collect information on the use of the Site by users. They are cookies that:
Allows to detect the number of visitors to the site; the pages visited; the time spent visiting the site etc.).
Social and profiling cookies
These third-party cookies allow users to interact with social networks (Facebook, Twitter). They are cookies that:
Allow to share the contents of the site through social networks.
Profiling cookies
These cookies, both by the company and by third parties, are carefully selected and controlled and are used to ensure that the marketing messages received through our website or other websites used by the Company to transmit its advertising messages are in line with the visitor preferences. Our advertising policy is designed to offer relevant messages based on previous visits to our site, the most frequently visited pages and other visitor data.
They are cookies that:
If used together with other information about you, such as how our products and / or services are used, allow you to recognize when accessing the reserved area and send personalized marketing messages in line with the preferences of the visitor.
Management of cookie preferences
The user can choose at any time whether to accept or reject the use of cookies / pixel tags by simply changing the settings of his browser.
Most Internet browsers (browsers) automatically accept cookies, but it is possible to set the browser to receive a warning message every time an operator tries to send cookies / pixel tags to the user and / or to prevent it from being used. acceptance. Most browsers report information on how to prevent the storage of cookies in the browser or on how to receive a warning before accepting cookies / pixel tags or on how to disable all cookies / pixel tags; this information is available in the "Help" menu, accessible from the toolbar.
Below the user can find, for each browser, the pages that describe the settings in more detail:
• Chrome
• Internet Explorer 7 and 8
• Internet Explorer 9
• Safari
• Opera
If the user uses more than one browser (for example, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox, etc.) it is necessary to repeat the procedure with each of them and if he uses multiple devices to connect to the Internet (for example, from work and from home), you must set your preferences on each browser of each device.
Warning: the complete disabling of cookies from the browser could compromise the correct functionality of some parts of Alexandra's site, such as - for example - normal navigation of the pages of the site or the possibility of making purchases, up to the loss of personalization functions so that the offer of advertisements during the visit of the site cannot be targeted according to the interests of the user.